18 August 2010

Empire of the Sun = AWESOME

Remember when I said Empire of the Sun is a fun and funny band awhile ago?  I still stand by it, but I will add that they are also FABULOUSLY EPIC:

I saw them live last week at LA's The Music Box, which unfortunately doesn't feature as amazing of a stage but still delivers a spectacular performance to a fortunately smaller audience than the video above.  If you want to see most of the dazzling costumes that were worn by the band and backup dancers during the live shows, simply peruse the band's music videos.  I kind of hate myself for thinking this when I saw the show, but I can't help drawing comparisons to Lady Gaga.

So the lead singer goes by Emperor Luke Steele, which is amazing because he is the perfect mix of Luke Skywalker and Blue Steel.  He's a bizarre guy.

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